DNOW 2024

Friday April 19

6:00 pm    Check-in/Registration
6:15 pm    Dinner
7:00 pm    Worship in FLC
8:30 pm    Late Night Concert
9:45 pm    Dismiss to Host Homes
10:30 pm  Small Group #1
12:00 am  Lights Out (Must stay in Host Home)

Saturday April 20

8:00 am     Breakfast at Host Home
8:30 am     Small Group #2
9:30 am     Worship in FLC
11:00 am   Small Group #3
11:30 am   Grab and Go Lunch
12:45 pm   Mission Project
5:00 pm     Break/Get ready for Worship
6:00 pm     Dinner at Host Homes
7:30 pm     Worship in FLC
9:00 pm     Dismiss to Host Homes
10:30 pm   Small Group #4
12:00 am   Lights out (Must stay in Host Home)

Sunday April 21

9:15 am    Breakfast in Gym
                 Drop off your stuff in the Gym
10:30 am  Worship in Worship Center
11:30 am   Head to your real home!!

Wednesday April 24

5:40 pm    Doors Open
6:00 pm    Worship in Youth Center


Our theme this year is COMMUNITY. Students want people to think of them in certain ways: the fun one, the goofy one, or the smart one. But even though we are unique in our experiences and involvement, we are called to stand UNITED together as God’s people. Jesus wants the world to think of Christians in a certain way. John 13:35 says,  “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” Jesus’ words leave no wiggle room; people should recognize us because of our love for one another—because we are a COMMUNITY.


•Pray for our students as they learn more about living Community at DNOW.
•Pray that students who attend DNOW would find freedom from sin and hurt, confidence in the truth of God’s Word, and a boldness and urgency to share the Gospel with others in their schools, on their teams, and among their friends.
•Pray for physical health, that the Lord will
prepare students’ hearts to hear God’s Word and respond, and safe travel to and from Mt. Vernon.
•Pray for the students who will be here who do not have a church home. Pray that God would bring salvation to students who are lost.


•Pray for all aspects of Saturday afternoon:
Breakout Sessions, Large Group Sessions, and time in their Small Groups.
•Pray that the mission project at Camp Dotson will be successful. Pray that those who attend the camp will be called to salvation.
•Pray for the Host Homes. Thank the Lord for their willingness to open their homes to students and generosity to serve the next generation.
•Pray for the volunteers who will invest in the lives of our students over the course of the weekend.
•Pray for those who will prepare the meals and that there will be a sufficient amount at each meal.


•Pray for our speaker Macon Jones and his family. Pray for their health, time, and wisdom as he prepares to teach God’s Word in large group sessions. Pray for safety as they travel to Jasper.
•Pray for the worship team as they prepare to lead us in worship. Pray for their travel, the health of each band member, productive and smooth rehearsals, their families, and time to prepare their hearts to lead in worship through music.
•Pray for the College Leaders as they prepare to lead the students in Small Group discussions. Pray for their health, safety as they travel, and that they will have favor with the students and from the Lord.


•Pray for the Student Ministry Staff: Spencer and Rebecca. Pray that the Lord would give wisdom, discernment, and protection for every aspect of the weekend.
•Pray for the Production Team as they prepare for DNOW. Pray for safety while setting up, health for the team, and for their families.
•Pray for Ginger has she cleans up from the large event. Pray for health and safety as she works throughout the weekend.